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Packet Analyzers Network Tools

Günümüz iletişim dünyasının temeli olan TCP/IP’nin önemi gün geçtikce artmaktadır. TCP/IP ağlarda dolaşan tüm veriler birer pakettir ve bu paketlerin yapısı ne kadar iyi bilinirse TCP/IP ve güvenliği konusunda çıkabilecek sorunlar o kadar kolay anlaşılır ve çözüme kavuşturulur. Sınır güvenliği (Router, Firewall, IDS, IPS, NDLP vs) bileşenlerinin temeline inildiğinde karşımıza çıkacak en önemli iki bileşen paket ve protokol olacaktır. Paket, protokol kavramlarının detaylı olarak anlaşılmasının en kolay yolu “Sniffer” olarak da adlandırılan ağ paket/protokol analiz programlarıyla pratik çalışmalar yapmaktır. Aşağıda BT ağ ve güvenlik yöneticilerinin en sık kullandıkları paket/protokol analiz programlarını bulabilirsiniz.

Sizlerde yorumlara tıklayarak, yorumlarınız ile katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Ayrıca yazımızı paylaşarak bizlere destek olabilirsiniz.


Wireshark is an Open Source Packet Analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting and analysis. The program’s original name was Ethereal. You can download Wireshark, below.


Capsa Free

Capsa Free is a network analyzer free network tool. It provide monitoring, troubleshooting,analysis etc. It is free version of Capsa Network Analyzer and a special edition for students, teachers and junior network engineers to learn network protocols. Youn can download Capsa free, below.


Solarwinds Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack

Solarwinds Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack is a useful network application that monitors your network performance and sniffes your traffic. You can download Solarwinds Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack, below.



Fiddler is a web debugging tool that analyze the traffic between any computer and the internet. It is used to test the performance. You can download Fiddler, here.



Ntop, is a network monitoring and analyze tool. It has a user friendly GUI. You can download Ntop, here.



Tcpdump is an open source packet analyzer that runs under the command line. It allows the user to display TCP/IP and other packets being transmitted or received over a network to which the computer is attached. You can download Tcpdump , below.



WinDump is the command line network analyzer for Windows. It is similar to tcpdump. But tcpdump is for Unix, WinDump is for Windows.You can download WinDump, below.



NetworkMiner is a network tool that captures packets and parses the data to extract files and images. This helps you to reconstruct events that a user has taken on the network. You can download Network Miner, below.



Kismet is a network tool that sniffs and analyzes the network traffic of hidden networks SSIDs. It is used for wireless networks. You can download Kismet, below.



EtherApe is an open source and free tool for Packet Analyze. It is similar to Wireshark but it has more graphical views.You can download EtherApe, below.


Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is a good Network Sniffer but it has also more ability than this. It is also a password recovery mechanism for windows platforms and it is used on Windows platforms. You can also perform dictionary attacks to retrieve lost credentials, analyze routing etc. You can download Cain and Abel, below.



KisMAC is a network sniffer used in MAC platforms. It is similar to Kismet. More than Kismet, it provide several mapping and de-auth features. You can download KisMAC, below.



NetStumbler is a network tool that is used for “wardriving”. It is based on Windows. NetStumbler is more obstrusive tha Kismet that is a little passive sniffer. You can download NetStumbler, below.



Ngrep is a useful network tool that is used for grep functions as its name implies. It searches TCP, UDP, ICMP or other protocol matches. You can download Ngrep, below.


Hakkında G. KELEŞ


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